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Here’s hoping for better (gayer!) things for the bisexual actress in the future! - Natalie Watching Chris be rescued or lectured by the men around her over these last few seasons grew tiring and I’m almost relieved by this exit. A few seasons ago, I would’ve been more disappointed by this news but it felt like the writers lost sight of what made Chris Alonso a standout among female characters in procedurals: she never needed a man to save her. + It’s a wrap for Lina Esco’s run as Chris Alonso on S.W.A.T., as the actress announced her departure from the series to pursue other creative opportunities. Natalie led the whole team in a discussion about the latest season of The Circle. This week, Heather wrote about Clare’s wee lesbian storyline on the final season of Derry Girls. It’s so weird to talk about TV right now when there’s so much else going on in the world that’s more pressing and harrowing, but if you need a brain and heart break, here’s where to get it. The 200 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All TimeĪh friends, it has been a week.LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now.

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